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- January 1989
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- After a brief (four month?) hiatus, we return to our regular
- column. Due to time limitations, its going to have to be an
- abbreviated version...so much happening, so little time...
- After much speculation and rumor, Budd Hopkins has confirmed the
- story of a medical anomaly that might turn out to be an "alien
- implant." In a speech in Tucson last month, and in answer to a
- series of questions posed by ParaNet users, Hopkins said that an
- MRI scan has detected a solid object "on or near the optical
- nerve" of a female abductee in Georgia. Due to its proximity to
- the crucial nerve, however, extraction of the object is
- extremely dangerous and highly unlikely. One prominent ufologist
- who attended the Tucson meeting speculated that "whatever the
- object is, it isn't made of metal, otherwise the MRI would have
- ripped it right out of her." (The M in MRI stands for Magnetic.)
- Another medical anomaly that had fueled the imaginations of
- abduction fans seems to have been put to rest. You may recall
- the interest in an article that appeared in the British science
- journal Nature in September 1986, wherein several geneticists
- had submitted a photomicrograph of a cell from an unborn fetus.
- Lodged in the cell was a highly symmetrical object that
- resembled a crossword puzzle. The accompanying letter basically
- asked, "What the hell is this?", and called on colleagues
- for an explanation. Abduction proponents, quick to grab onto any
- piece of evidence that might lead to a breakthrough, distributed
- the letter and the photograph through the grapevine, insinuating
- a resemblance to a computer chip, and have continued to do so
- until the present. Unfortunately, they were a little TOO quick.
- Had they picked up the very same journal the very next month,
- they would have seen that the anomaly has been explained as part
- of a Diatom skeleton, something quite ordinary and non-alien.
- That this "mystery" should have been propagated so long after
- the explanation had been rendered is testimony to the
- will-to-believe and suspension of good judgement of many in the
- UFO field. Come on, gang. If we're going to play at Science,
- let's at least play by the rules. (Credit: Jim Melesciuc, "Bits
- and Pieces") SEE: CHIP.UFO
- Also from Bits and Pieces: "A petition calling for congressional
- hearings on ufOs is being circulated by MUFON Deputy Director
- John Schuessler. Betty Cash is assisting Schuessler with this
- task. Betty was injured during a close encounter on Dec. 29,
- 1980, along with Vickie and Colby Landrum. It may be that this
- drive for congressional hearings resulted from the disclosure of
- "Falcon's" information aired on UFO Cover-Up Live. In the
- program Falcon (Doty) stated that the Cash/Landrum UFO was a
- government test flight of an extraterrestrial craft which got
- out of hand."
- Not-exactly-UFO-related-but-funny-anyway-dept.:
- Bigfootologist-Dracontologist-Ufologist Jon-Erik Beckjord is
- finally opening his long-awaited "Cryptozoology Museum." After
- several false starts, one in a mobile home, the museum has found
- residence in, of all places, Trancas' Restaurant of Malibu, CA.
- In his press release, Beckjord was quick to point out that
- Trancas is "famous in the LA Area as being a good dance spot as
- well as for being a good family restaurant serving
- American-style cuisine." He also stated its a hangout for such
- Hollywood heavyweights as Jan-Michael Vincent. Beckjord says he
- felt that the coastal area was an "excellent spot" for the
- temporary museum (a larger facility is planned for a future
- date) because of reports of Bigfoot in the nearby Ventura
- mountains, and sea serpent sightings off the coast. When
- pressed, Beckjord admitted that yes, the famous Bigfoot feces
- sample (as seen on David Letterman) would be on display, but
- presumably behind glass so that over-zealous restaurant staffers
- would be unable to confuse the sample with the house special.
- The official opening is February 9th, with a pre-opening party
- scheduled the night before.
- The Fund for UFO Research is looking to raise $16,000 for an
- all-out, no-holds-barred study of the Majestic-12 documents.
- A proposal submitted to the Fund by MJ-12-ologist Stan Friedman
- calls for a four-month study, which would involve "travelling to
- several Presidential libraries, visiting some people who may
- have important information and writing a full report of his
- activities." The Fund has already granted Friedman $500 to cover
- the cost of his Long Distance phone calls over the past
- year.
- Finally, in what may be the most encouraging development of the
- new year, a heavy-hitter journalist named Howard Blum is
- tackling the Cosmic Watergate. Blum is author of "I Pledge
- Allegiance," about the Walker Spy Ring case, and has been
- nominated for two Pulitzer prizes. According to UFO Magazine,
- Blum's book will prove that active government investigation of
- UFOs did not end with Blue Book.
- Till next month...Happy Hunting!
- < * * * >
- This edition of INSIDE UFOLOGY is respectfully dedicated to the
- memory of Maj. Donald E. Keyhoe, the father of the UFO movement,
- who passed away Nov. 29th.